Catherine Lake is a popular fishing lake best suited to cartop boats and canoes. Camping is popular at Catherine too, with a choice of grassy or treed sites. Most of the campsites are quite private, being hidden along the shoreline amongst the trees. Each of the 4 campsite has a trail going down to the shore.
Driving Directions: Access from Arrow Park Ferry: At the ferry terminus set your odometer. Your odometer readings will not conform to the km signs on the road. Within 200 meters of leaving the ferry, turn right onto the road marked “Saddle Mountain Road Revelstoke”. Follow this road, past the “Saddle Lookout” road, for 11.6 km to the junction with the “Low Pass Road”. Reset your odometer. Stay right following the lake on the “Blackie Rogers Road” for another 12.9 km to a major intersection marked “Fostall Point”, “Fostall Road”, “Blackie Road” and “Cameron Lake Road”. Continue straight ahead on the “Fostall Road”. Reset your odometer. Travel 5.2 km up the “Fostall Road” to a junction with “North Fostall Revelstoke”. Turn right onto the “North Fostall Revelstoke” road. Reset your odometer. Continue along this road for 3.6 km. At the junction with “Middle Fostall Road”, stay right on “North Fostall Revelstoke”.Travel another 2 km to a junction with “Vanstone Road”. Turn right onto “Vanstone Road” and proceed 4.2 km to the “17 km” road marker. Turn right onto a narrow, dirt, 2 wheel drive road. Travel 1.7 km to the Catherine Lake Recreation Site.